Friday, June 9, 2017

Infinipath June 4 2017 (Beautify yourself)

Infinipath June 4, 2017

Gift yourself a very beautiful you:
No animal in the world kills another animal of the same species out of hatred and malice. If someone is little more successful than us, we tend to hate them or become envious of them. Are you getting ego involved with your loved ones? Do you want to prove that you are superior always?
For the world sake, for your loved one's sake, have a passion for making yourself pure from inside. Keep introspecting to remove the little weeds of your personality. Gift yourself a very beautiful you that God feels like living inside you.
Instead of investing time on thinking why the other person has blemishes, invest time in making you more beautiful

It’s not in conquering the world that you feel complete, it is in conquering yourself, and you feel complete.
Strive to bring the beautiful side of yourself.
With every stroke of self-beautification, the world becomes a lot more beautiful.
If something beautiful about you can be brought to the forefront, do it. If something ugly about you can be dropped, do it.

Create fulfillment:
Don’t think of how to cause deprivation in others. You will feel insecure this way.  Think of creating fulfillment in others. You can feel secure this way.

Money doesn’t mean happiness:
We need a metric to measure things in life. Metric to measure success happens to be money. But it is a metric.  This metric makes us a slave, an ugly person. No denying money is important. If you are not happy with your work, if it does not serve larger good, if it gives you agony and sleepless nights, then it is not good. A lot of decisions is made keeping money in one weighing scale and rest of the things in another scale. We compare our standard of life with someone’s standard of life. The next house or car looks bigger. It is good to have ambitions and desires. Because someone is in better house or car, it doesn’t mean their life is better.  

The outside is only a stimulant:
The outside is only a stimulant. The world outside can bring out the qualities in you. When life squeezes you, what comes out of you is your true character.

When it comes to judging others, keep your scale to 5.  You will be happy in every relationship. Judge yourself on 10 and judge others on 5

Infinipath May 28 2017 (Relationships & Love)

Infinipath May 28, 2017

The intent of parents on the future of a child is more powerful than any other force on the earth.

  • Let your deprivation not become anybody else’s deprivation

Past is not equivalent to the future:
Not necessary every first ranker at school is first in life.Not necessarily every backbencher at school is backbencher in life. There is no connection between how you perform at school and how you perform at life. Past is not equivalent to the future.

Corporate versus home:
Corporate is a place where you are judged by your performance. Home should not be a place where you are judged by your performance. We should not corporatize our homes.
Performance, accountability, perfection must be demanded in an organization. Unconditional love, support, empathy, sensitivity has to be displayed at home.

Standby your loved ones:
People need your love much more when they are wrong than when they are right. It needs a very special lover to love even when you are wrong, even when you are down, even when you have failed

 I’m there for you:
Life is a series of evaluations. Man does not escape judgment. At any point of time, the world makes you feel good or bad. On one strength, a person can live life “I’m there for you”.  Say, ”I’m there for you” to your children, no matter what.  Say them; “No matter what, you will make it big in life” Children are never too old to hear, “I’m there for you”.
Make the children understand that your love for them is not tied to their performance. Don’t give up on them.
1 magical sentence "I’m there for you" helps to a great extent.  They have to hear that when needed. If they hear these words, people will make it in life, no matter what.
There is no mantra in relationship greater than “I am there for you”


 That one relationship matters:
90 percent of unhappy people in the world are not unhappy because everything in the world is going wrong for them. One relationship that truly matters to them the most is not going right. It starts right from children.
10 percent of people who are happy are the people for whom one relationship that matters to them is going right. It’s not that they don’t face challenges in life. On the strength of that one relationship, you can face everything in life.
You can either crave for that one relationship or be the one relationship at least to one person

  1. 1. The need to be respected is greater than the need for growth:
Your expression of love is urn loved ones should keep growing an improving.
So you always have feedback and indulge in constructive criticism
You express dissatisfaction by telling they can achieve more. We don’t realize that the need to be respected is greater than the need for growth. This applies in all relationships.
You can’t contribute to the growth of anybody who feels you don’t respect them.
Respect you children irrespective of their age.
Im there for you creates a sense of respect in relationship

2. Love should always put u in a resourceful state, not empty state:
The very thought of love should make you feel you are a giver.
The more and more you receive, the more and more you beg for it.
Starvation for love does not cease by receiving love, it ceases only by giving love.
If you are starving for love, it doesn’t mean that enough people do not love you, it means you do not love enough people. Even if the whole world loves you and you do not love enough people, you will continue to beg for love.
Always seeking to love than seeking to be loved.
Don’t be a beggar.  Joke: Two beggars met ;)

  1. Love the lover
At some stage in life, be there for your loved ones.

Beautify the world a little more by letting the world know “I’m there for you”

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Infinipath May 21 2017 (Work is prayer, what is spirituality)

1/3rd of your life called work determines the remaining 2/3rd of your life. If you don’t do your 1/3rd right, it shows up on the 2/3rd. Have reverence towards your work. Anything you see with reverence, you benefit.  Treat your office as a place of worship. Treat your computer as an instrument of prosperity.
For each man, what feeds him is his God
For farmer, it is the soil
Fisherman: ocean
Musician: music
Dancer: dance
Teacher: teachings
It professional: Computer

God does pooja to himself by choosing you as an instrument
You are an instrument of God. Offer gratitude to God for
everything. If all the work I do becomes a prayer, then 
everything I do becomes a prayer to God. If all the work 
I do is a prayer to you, I will do the best in everything I do. 
My life is my prayer unto you. 
This changes your perspective. You won’t do anything half heartedly. Excellence comes into core.

Spirituality is not situational. Not something what you do in a temple. Spirituality is what you do in your day to day life.  It is the qualities you bring into day to day living. The question is “Who is HE to me”, not “Who is he”. They way you see life, the way you perceive things is spirituality.

Teach your children how to respect others. Teach them to love Gods creatures.