Friday, November 13, 2015

Infinipath November 8 2015

Essential property of a substance is called Dharma. It can’t be changed. Water is cold, fire is hot. One of the essential dharma is “you will avoid what you see as pain and embrace what you see as pleasure” .Our life should be governed by what is right and wrong, rather than pleasure and pain. Pleasurably embrace the right!

Do something consistently for 53 days till January 1. 
The greatest pleasure is growing in our own eyes.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Infinipath July 26 2015

Insomnia is a major problem. Psychologically your body no more knows that you want to sleep when you got bed. We eat in bed, watch TV, watsapp, Facebook etc in bed.. :)There should be "A place for everything and everything in its place "

Gift yourself moments where there is no intellectual stimulation

What you avoid controls you. What controls you becomes fear. Face the fear it goes, avoid fear it grows. 

No faith, Know fear, Know faith NO fear. 

Fear:  False evidence accepted as real. Faith: face anything in trusting him

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Infinipath June 14 2015

  1. Learn to receive appreciation. Receive appreciations with a thank you J
  2. Change is the nature of human consciousness. It can be either way. What is the direction of your change?  
  3. Be aware of the environment. If you are not empowering your environment, it is conditioning you.
  4. Like responsibilities. Don’t consider them as a burden.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Infinipath June 7 2015 (Environment)

Do we need an environment?
  1. If God is everywhere why should I go to temple?
  2. Why should I go to a physics lab to test gravity?
  3. Why should I go to a biology lab to dissect a cockroach?
  4. Why do we need board room to conduct board meeting?
  5. Why assembly? Why secretary?

Research suggests that we killed the concept of bed room. Your body no more knows what is expected out of it. People those days did not need dimmers, AC, sedatives to go to sleep.  Now, if you go to bed, our body does not know if you want to watch TV, or read newspaper. If you are a person who does not fall asleep, that means, your bed is not only for sleeping. A place should be there for everything, eating, sleeping, reading, and meditating. We study in dining table. We eat in study table. We read in bed room and sleep in school. Our body does not know how to respond to a situation. Our body needs environment to respond. Our body knows how to respond if environment is proper. So, temple is not the only place where we find God, it provides an environment for worship!  Psychologists have researched and found that we cannot motivate people to do anything. Spine chilling! We can create an environment in which people can motivate themselves. There should be an environment for everything!

It is what you assign to it:
An environment means people, space, where and what you visit frequently.  Everything about life is what you assign to it. It may be a stone for others, but it is God for you. He may be bone and flesh for others, but DAD for you. It is what you assign to it (environment, person etc)

Check your environment if things go negative, or you think negative, when your belief weakness, when you lose track of your goals.

Outside is a mere reflection of what you feel within.

A small change long enough is never a small change. Is it in the right or wrong direction?

Silence: If you over look a garden, you will find lot of weeds. If you inspect a garden often, the weeds can be removed easily. Seeds need nurturing. Weeds grow by themselves.  To stay positive, it needs nurturing. Negativity grows by itself. Anything wrong, drops it immediately. Anything right, you have to practice It for a lifetime.

So, introspect every day. Keep purifying yourself throughout life. Make "silence" an integral part of your life. The divine will keep pouring into your life.

How much sleep do we need?
The body can repair itself only when we sleep. when you age, the number of cells which has to be replenished is much higher than when you were young. So, you need more sleep. Listen to you body in matters of sleeping habits, dietary habits.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Infinipath Feb 8, 2015

Religion is the greatest science.  Don’t keep questioning each and everything.  

During tough times, strengthen your faith. Don’t question it. Bring faith into your ideas and work. Faith is beyond intelligence. Don’t think, “Will this idea succeed or not?” Do everything with faith. You need both faith and intelligence to succeed.

Examine the people you are magnetizing in your life. Sunil Chopra said “Net worth of an individual is the average net worth of people you share a dynamic relationship with”.  Who is your dominant association on a daily basis? Do you have lot of problems? May be you are rubbing shoulders with the people who have lot of problems in life?J. Look at the people who you associate with.  

If you want to get rid of something say gossip, you have to walk away. The more and more you walk away from gossip, three months later, no one will gossip with you.  Krishna said “It will not leave you, you have to leave it. If you have to take up something, you have to pick it up. ”

If work is not worship, nothing is worship. Hold your work place at the highest sanctity. 

For what are you invoking God? That becomes the nature of God. If you seek him only during ailments, sickness, he helps you only for that. Your prayer is nothing more than crying for something wrong in life. The only cosmic response would be “What is wrong in your life?” Seek him during happy times too. Your life will become beautiful if you use faith to bring right in your life and not remove wrong in your life. Associate God for abundance in everything, health, wealth, bliss.

Keep writing to someone (Mahatria) about the good things happening to you. Be absolutely and morally accountable to someone. Only then you will be morally right. There can be falls from which you won’t be able to raise. 

 As long as you justify your weakness, you can’t overcome it.  You are the person who is most benefited if you overcome your weakness.

Just feel that things are right and it will become right.